With more and more people noticing their weight increase as their lifestyle and eating patterns stay the same, the million dollar question is "why". In the meantime, the market is filling up with injections, diets and tablets that promise to help you shed the kilos quickly. And some might even work. The problem is often that the weight comes back as the person returns to their daily routine, stops taking medication or injections.
My approach to weight loss is always based on Individual basis. Everyone is different and has a different root cause behind their weight gain. And today I want to prompt you to see yourself as an individual, and to know that there is a unique solution to your weight loss goal that hides in understanding your blood pathology and hormones.
The key to weight loss is your metabolism. And metabolism depends on several things, like your muscle mass, your fat mass, your calorie intake, your nutrients, and your hormones.
Whilst the first 3 we can work out using a food diary and exercise plan, the others need pathology testing.
What to test to lose weight:
Thyroid is our main organ for overall metabolism and calorie burn. Its optimal function impacts every organ in your body. In vast majority your General Practitioner might run one test out of ideally 6. This is usually Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) - the marker of the brain, not the thyroid. Your GP's reference range is broad and early signs of sub-optimal function will be missed until you need medication like thyroxine, prescribed for life. We want to see what that gland is doing BEFORE things get out of control, and bring it back to balance. Please test for TSH, Free T4, Free T3, thyroid antibodies, and reverse T3.
Inflammation can slow down all the functions in your body even if you are eating "right" and exercising plenty. There are several ways to get this tested, C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is a good marker for systemic, non-specific inflammation and you can start with that.
Sex Hormones.
Whether you are male or female, sex hormones run your life from puberty until late in life. They determine your hunger levels, your cravings, your energy and even your motivation. Please test for estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, testosterone to start with, irrespective of your sex. Take note of your cycle day if you are a female, as sex hormones need context to be interpreted correctly.
Cortisol is like your natural "coffee" and determines your energy throughout the day. In excess or deficiency it will explain your mid-body weight gain, puffy face and cheeks, as well as fatigue, and "unexplained" weight gain despite your attempts to shed it in the gym over-exercising. Ideally, you want to test your cortisol 3 times, morning, day and night to understand your pattern.
Liptin is the hormone that determines your hunger levels and your body's ability and willingness to loose weight in current environment. The higher this marker the more your body is reluctant to give up any precious kilos you want gone.
Insulin is the hormone that works like a "key" to the glucose you consume from food. In any case of insulin imbalance we notice you getting tired after food - if you have heard of "food coma" - this is it. You will not be able to loose weight if insulin is out of balance, alongside your glucose. Please note these are fasting tests. You want these done in the morning, after you had dinner last night and nothing since then but water.
Now, I am mindful that your GP might not be keen to have all of these tested. They have their own limitations and challenges inside the system they operate in. Should this be your case, and you have been refused these tests from your GP - I am delighted to provide the functional testing for you. Please reach out via FREE 15 minute Discovery call to cover your questions on the process and pricing.
Same applies to interpretation. You will need someone equipped with experience and knowledge to interpret these test results and prescribe you the individual treatment you need in order to loose extra kilos and maintain healthy weight. This can be an experienced natural health care provider like Naturopath or Nutritionist. And the doors of my clinic are open to you should you choose me to be your provider into better and fitter version of yourself.